I have tried with a binary executable (a 'C' pgm) and a REXX script 
which gets interpreted by OS/2. Both do the same. I have had a look at 
the CgiResource Java code but would need to spend a little more time 
trying to follow the complete flow of control. 

I thought I might try to add some status messages in the code that write 
to the console, so I could see where the logic 'hangs'.

Cheers -  Doug Marker

(PS I am about to try Jigsaw on IBM AIX (Unix). I got their beta Java 
code & JIT last week-end. After that we will try Win/NT (won't waste my 
valuable time with Win95)).

Adam R. B. Jack wrote:
> On Tue, 2 Jul 1996, Anselm Baird-Smith wrote:
> > For some other purposes I just played with the CgiResource this
> > afternoon, and I had no problem having it to run normally. I would be
> > glad to try to help anyone that has trouble setting it up.
> As I tried to point out -- I am in no doubt that the problem is between
> my code and the Java interpretor. I have used CgiResource a number of
> times, now, and have it working. This instance is with a CGI application that
> I rolled 100% from scratch in C++ (don't ask!) hence I suspect it behaves
> quite differently to a Perl or shell script.
> I'll reproduce my problem and see if I can get any clues from the core
> file. I don't expect much success though....
> Adam
> --
> NEON Inc. 7400 East Orchard Road, Suite 230, Englewood, CO 80111 +1-303-6943933

Received on Tuesday, 2 July 1996 23:37:11 UTC