Re: Win98 SE - java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError


Here's the output as requested.

Version info:
C:\apps\IsaViz>java -version
java version "1.4.0"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.0-b92)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.0-b92, mixed mode)

Directory info:

 Volume in drive C has no label
 Volume Serial Number is 0A61-18D7
 Directory of C:\apps\IsaViz\lib

.              <DIR>        03-19-02  5:31p .
..             <DIR>        03-19-02  5:31p ..
ISAVIZ   JAR       445,153  03-14-02  5:22p isaviz.jar
JENA     JAR       570,930  01-25-02  6:53p jena.jar
VTM      JAR       440,066  03-12-02  5:56p vtm.jar
XERCES   JAR     1,812,019  01-25-02  6:53p xerces.jar
         4 file(s)      3,268,168 bytes
         2 dir(s)       21,058.63 MB free

Java command with absolute pathnames:
C:\apps\IsaViz>java -classpath C:\apps\IsaViz\lib\isaviz.jar;C:\apps\IsaViz\lib\
vtm.jar;C:\apps\IsaViz\lib\xerces.jar;C:\apps\IsaViz\lib\jena.jar org.w3c.IsaViz

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/w3c/IsaViz/Editor

Environment variable instead of command line switch:
C:\apps\IsaViz>set CLASSPATH=lib\isaviz.jar;lib\vtm.jar;lib\xerces.jar;lib\jena.jar

C:\apps\IsaViz>java org.w3c.IsaViz.Editor

This produced the four windows: IsaViz RDF Editor, Attributes, Definitions & Graph.

As this worked, I didn't try with absolute pathnames. (I can do so if this would be helpful.)

New "run.bat":
set CLASSPATH=lib\isaviz.jar;lib\vtm.jar;lib\xerces.jar;lib\jena.jar
java org.w3c.IsaViz.Editor

I successfully ran some minimal tests (load/display/zoom) with one of the sample RDF files and the sample ISV project.


Ken Cotterill.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Emmanuel Pietriga 
  To: Ken Cotterill 
  Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 9:05 PM
  Subject: Re: Win98 SE - java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError


  this is a Java-related problem and editing isaviz.cfg is not going to 
  change anything (this file only holds user preferences).

  The problem is that your JVM does not find class org.w3c.IsaViz.Editor 
  which should be in the JAR archive called isaviz.jar
  This is the first time this problem is reported.

   From the content of your coomand line, everything seems to be fine.
  Can you give me the output of the following command, run from the isaviz 
  directory:  "java -version"

  And also, can you list the content (with details like file sizes) of the 
  IsaViz/lib/ directory?

  What you could try is to put full paths in your classpath (e.g. 

  If this does not work, you could also set an environment variable called 
  CLASSPATH holding the same value, and then call "java 
  org.w3c.IsaViz.Editor"  directly.


  Ken Cotterill wrote:

  > Output from run.bat (between hashes):
  > ###############################
  > C:\apps\IsaViz>java -classpath 
  > lib\isaviz.jar;lib\vtm.jar;lib\xerces.jar;lib\jena.jar org.w3c.IsaViz.Editor
  > Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 
  > org/w3c/IsaViz/Editor
  > ###############################
  > Binary files unpacked from:
  > Platform: Win98 SE
  > JRE: 1.4.0
  > Before running I unpacked "" into 
  > "C:\apps\IsaViz\GraphViz".
  > I did try directly editing the XML in "isaviz.cfg":
  > - added an xml:lang="en" to the root element
  > - put in correct GraphViz pathnames
  > - changed the browser path to Mozilla (current system default)
  > I reran "run.bat" after each change/addition - the error message 
  > remained the same each time.
  > I have virtually no knowledge of Java and I'm unsure what other 
  > information might be helpful. I'll happily forward anything considered 
  > useful on request.
  > If this is a bug and a fix/patch needs testing, I'll be happy to do that 
  > also.
  > Regards,
  > Ken Cotterill.
  > Email: <>
  > Web:

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  Contextual Computing             |  6, Chemin de Maupertuis
  tel: +33 4 76 61 50 32           |  38240 Meylan, France
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Received on Tuesday, 19 March 2002 08:18:16 UTC