[minutes] Internationalization telecon 2024-07-11


text version:

                              – DRAFT –
            Internationalization Working Group Teleconference

11 July 2024

    [2]Agenda. [3]IRC log.

       [3] https://www.w3.org/2024/07/11-i18n-irc


           Addison, Atsushi, Bert, Fuqiao, JcK, Richard


           Addison Phillips



     1. [4]Agenda Review
     2. [5]Action Items
     3. [6]Info Share
     4. [7]RADAR Review
     5. [8]Pending Issue Review
     6. [9]Latest developments in the lreq area
     7. [10]PR Review
     8. [11]AOB?
     9. [12]Summary of action items
    10. [13]Summary of resolutions

Meeting minutes

   Agenda Review

   Action Items

    <addison> #106

    <gb> [14]Action 106 write to ietf group about rfc9457 (on
    aphillips) due 2024-06-20

      [14] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-actions/issues/106

    <addison> #93

    <gb> [15]Action 93 create best practices for consumers in
    string-meta (on aphillips) due 2024-04-25

      [15] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-actions/issues/93

    <addison> #90

    <gb> [16]Action 90 steal some of henri's text from
    scroll-to-text-fragment for string-search (on aphillips) due

      [16] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-actions/issues/90

    addison: #106, I realized that for whatever reason I wasn't
    subscribed to any list with my current email address

    <addison> #89

    <gb> [17]Action 89 update i18n specs to support dark mode (on
    xfq) due 2024-04-18

      [17] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-actions/issues/89

    addison: I have the email about halfway composed

    <addison> #79

    <gb> [18]Action 79 schedule a follow-up call with WHATNOT in
    ~April (on aphillips) due 2024-03-07

      [18] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-actions/issues/79

    addison: I hope to finish that today

    <addison> #78

    <gb> [19]Action 78 compare infra to i18n-glossary export list
    and report back (on aphillips) due 2024-03-07

      [19] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-actions/issues/78

    <addison> #33

    <gb> [20]Action 33 Close issues marked `close?` or bring to WG
    for further review (on aphillips)

      [20] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-actions/issues/33

    addison: #78, keep that around until we have a chance to
    discuss things with that with WHATNOT

    <addison> #8

    <gb> [21]Action 8 Follow up on the status of Canvas and
    formatted text (on aphillips) due 18 Jul 2023

      [21] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-actions/issues/8

    addison: #33, I closed a couple this week

    <addison> #7

    <gb> [22]Action 7 Remind shepherds to tend to their awaiting
    comment resolutions (Evergreen) (on aphillips, xfq, himorin,
    r12a, bert-github) due 18 Jul 2023

      [22] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-actions/issues/7

    <addison> #4

    <gb> [23]Action 4 Work with respec and bikeshed to provide the
    character markup template as easy-to-use markup (on aphillips,
    r12a) due 27 Jul 2023

      [23] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-actions/issues/4

   Info Share

    addison: Unicode Technology Workshop 2
    … I was thinking of submitting a session or talk from a W3C
    … like string-meta
    … anybody have any info to share?
    … one of the things that happened when I resubscribe myself to
    various IETF lists was I showed up to the 1st piece of action
    item on the BCP 47 dev list
    … in like a year
    … some people are trying to work on a new extension for BCP 47
    based on some ISO standard
    … the ISO standard has something to do with language varieties
    … I don't know what those language varieties mean

    JcK: I looked at it very briefly

   RADAR Review

    <addison> [24]https://github.com/orgs/w3c/projects/91/views/1

      [24] https://github.com/orgs/w3c/projects/91/views/1

    addison: we have a new incoming request
    … Guidance on Applying WCAG 2 to Non-Web Information and
    Communications Technologies (WCAG2ICT)
    … does anybody want to shepherd this?


      [25] https://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-wcag2ict-20120727/

    xfq: this is not a completely new doc
    … I found a 2012 version of it

   Pending Issue Review

    <addison> [26]https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/


    xfq: I'll review wcag2ict-22

    <addison> [27]w3c/i18n-activity#1880

      [27] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/issues/1880

    <gb> [28]Issue 1880 Internationalization Checklist (by w3cbot)
    [tracker] [wg:das] [s:vibration]

      [28] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/issues/1880

   Latest developments in the lreq area

    <r12a> [29]https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/wiki/

      [29] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/wiki/LReq-documents

    r12a: this page lists all of the docs that I've been working on
    over the past 2 weeks
    … and it shows the status
    … we were due to publish a few docs on Tuesday, but I pulled
    plug on that
    … because as I finally got to the Arabic stuff I realized that
    we had a situation
    … since we're now doing things by script rather than by
    … there was a mismatch between the existing layout requirements
    doc and the lreq doc which ha s links in it
    … the Latin stuff we'd been talking about, taking the text from
    the dpub people
    … we now have a much cleaner model
    … it's much easier to maintain this model
    … and it's quite a useful model as well
    … we now have a gap analysis document
    … which is the same as the gap analysis document as before
    … and we have the script resources document
    … and that is just a list of links basically
    … in some cases we have one or more other documents
    … which are the old layout requirements
    … and perhaps who knows in the future, some new layout
    requirements as well

    addison: do we want to have a different name for the linky
    … we have a history of calling layout requirements the ones
    with the prose in them

    r12a: the linky stuff, which I'm calling Arabic Script
    Resources, or Latin Script Resources

    addison: short names are somewhat forever
    … are you happy calling script resources lreq?

    r12a: yeah, I think that's fine
    … because these are layout requirements resources

    addison: we have a resolution to publish some of these script
    resources documents
    … is your proposal to add some others to that list?

    r12a: the next step is to publish some FP Draft Notes this week
    … which is my proposal for the set that we should publish next

    <r12a> arab-lreq, hani-lreq, latn-lreq, latn-gap, beng-lreq,

    r12a: I'll put the list ^

    addison: I think we mostly approved them, but some of them look
    … Bengali

    r12a: Chinese is new

    r12a: about Tamil and Tibetan
    … they have basically nothing in the document
    … I'd like to keep the URLs alive

    <addison> xfq: since richard mentioned chinese in the set of

    [30]w3c/clreq#619 (comment)


    <gb> [31]Issue 619 Feedback on Chinese Layout Requirements
    Links (Draft) (by eisoch)

      [31] https://github.com/w3c/clreq/issues/619

    <addison> ... want to mention we have an open issue ^

    <addison> ... about the chinese document that you might want to
    review before publication

    <addison> richard: can you summarize?

    <addison> xfq: it's about number of characters

    <addison> ... people think that it's weird to refer to the CLDR

    <addison> ... don't know where that is from, CN, TW, HK, etc.
    have regulations about what is considered "roughly common"
    chinese characters

    <addison> ... better to link to these resources

    <addison> ... another comment is about combining marks

    <addison> ... doc mentions no chinese marks

    <addison> ... but some people mention there are some about

    <addison> ... could say "chinese has no commonly used" or not
    in daily use or something

    <addison> richard: there is a section at the top that gives the
    "flavor" of the section

    <addison> xfq: good if there are no factual inaccuracies

    <addison> richard: can make some changes

    <addison> ... about combining marks, so the tone marks are used
    with the Han characters?? or used with pinyin?

    <addison> xfq: used with ideographs

    <addison> ... will find examples

    <addison> proposed: publish arab-lreq, hani-lreq, latn-lreq,
    latn-gap, beng-lreq, deva-lreq as FPWD

    <xfq> +1

    <addison> +1

    <r12a> +1

    <JcK> +1

    <Bert> +1

    <atsushi> +1

    RESOLUTION: publish arab-lreq, hani-lreq, latn-lreq, latn-gap,
    beng-lreq, deva-lreq as FPWD

    <r12a> catalan, dutch, french, german, hungarian

    <r12a> uighur gap

    <r12a> uighur lreq

    <r12a> urdu gap

    <r12a> urdu lreq

    <r12a> kashmiri gap

    r12a: these are all gap analysis documents

    <r12a> kashmiri lreq

    addison: is that a thing we need to vote on?
    … because we'd be changing the status

    r12a: I don't know whether we need to vote either, but I
    thought at least I should mention it

    addison: does anyone object to us converting all of these to

    RESOLUTION: convert any of catalan, dutch, french, german,
    hungarian, uighur gap/lreq, urdu gap/lreq, kashmiri gap/lreq to

    r12a: I've been through every one of these documents this week
    and rewritten the introduction
    … and the abstract
    … and the sotd
    … to make it clearer

   PR Review

    r12a: we're getting some new things coming through as well
    … so there'll be a set of documents
    … Cyrillic, Myanmar, Sundanese etc.

    <addison> [32]https://github.com/aphillips/i18n-drafts/blob/


    addison: PRs in progress

    addison: will fix the list structure if/when we convert this to
    … there was a question because I used the terms language and
    locale negotiation
    … so I've added defs to clarify
    … they are the same thing really
    … I continue to welcome comments on this

    <addison> [33]https://


    addison: it's getting closer to being ready
    … the second one is "How can I use direction metadata in native
    … I have incorporated the comments

    r12a: it's a bit strange that the "Leave a comment" comment in
    "FURTHER READING" doesn't actually appear to do anything
    … you could just duplicate the stuff that's behind the real
    "Leave a comment"

    ACTION: xfq: publish qa-direction-native to website after
    addison finishes the tweak

    <gb> Created [34]action #111

      [34] https://github.com/w3c/i18n-actions/issues/111

    <addison> [35]https://pr-preview.s3.amazonaws.com/aphillips/


    addison: the red box in there would be replaced with a link to
    the thing I just gave an action to xfq to publish
    … is there anything left to do before I merge it?

    r12a: you didn't use bdi
    … you just use an ordinary span element
    … I was wondering why

    addison: it's to show that any element could do this
    … if you want me to highlight bdi, I could do that

    r12a: we're sort of getting into tutorial, don't we?
    … my recommendation would be to use bdi

    addison: should I take the span off and just make it look like
    You are currently reading {$title}
    … and then show it with bdi after the insert
    … I'll make changes
    … is this example getting so long that it should just be text?
    … is the yellow box doing any good?
    … r12a, you have a preference that we don't have a section with
    a bunch of prose @@
    … I'll do another round


Summary of action items

     1. [36]xfq: publish qa-direction-native to website after
        addison finishes the tweak

Summary of resolutions

     1. [37]publish arab-lreq, hani-lreq, latn-lreq, latn-gap,
        beng-lreq, deva-lreq as FPWD
     2. [38]convert any of catalan, dutch, french, german,
        hungarian, uighur gap/lreq, urdu gap/lreq, kashmiri
        gap/lreq to historic

Received on Friday, 12 July 2024 06:22:16 UTC