RE: Request for Wide review by I18N WG for the WoT Thing Description and the WoT Architecture


I didn't notice that this request came to us individually. Normally requests should be addressed to the www-international@ list (or to the member-i18n-core@ list if they are MO).

More information on our process can be found here: 



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Phillips, Addison
> Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2019 1:08 PM
> To: 'Kazuyuki Ashimura' <>; Richard Ishida
> <>;
> Cc:
> Subject: RE: Request for Wide review by I18N WG for the WoT Thing
> Description and the WoT Architecture
> Hello Kazuyuki and WoT,
> Thanks for this request. I'm in the process of adding it to our review radar [1].
> Do you have a specific schedule or date by which you would like comments
> or a tentative schedule for when you'd like to advance these documents? I
> want to ensure that we provide feedback in time and I couldn't find in this
> note or in the document's SOTD any reference to upcoming transitions.
> Also, has the WoT WG had a chance to review our checklists [2][3] to see if
> they might help? While they do not replace horizontal review, they can help
> a WG prepare for (or even avoid!) eventual comments.
> Finally, please work with Richard to ensure that the i18n tags we use for
> tracking comments are available in your repo(s).
> Thanks again! We look forward to reviewing your specs.
> Regards (for I18N),
> Addison
> [1]

> [2]  <- new short checklist 
> [3]

> Addison Phillips
> Sr. Principal SDE – I18N (Amazon)
> Chair (W3C I18N WG)
> Internationalization is not a feature.
> It is an architecture.
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Kazuyuki Ashimura []
> > Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2019 12:41 AM
> > To: Phillips, Addison <>; Richard Ishida
> > <>;
> > Cc:
> > Subject: Request for Wide review by I18N WG for the WoT Thing
> > Description and the WoT Architecture
> >
> > Hi Addison, Richard and Atsushi,
> > CCing the WoT Chairs list
> >
> > As I (briefly) mentioned to Richard during TPAC, the Web of Things
> > (WoT) WG would like to ask the I18N WG for a wide review for:
> > * WoT Thing Description
> > * WoT Architecture
> >
> > If it's OK by you, we'd like you to provide feedback as open issues in
> > our Github repo for each point of feedback.
> >
> > The details on those two WoT specifications are available below.
> >
> > ----------------------
> > WoT Thing Description
> > ----------------------
> > * Spec URL:

> > TAG-review/index.html?env=dev
> > * Explainer:

> > review/explainer/
> > * Tests:
> >

> > * Github repo:

> >
> > Related documents:
> > ------------------
> > * The WoT Security and Privacy Considerations document provides extra
> >   discussion of security with an IoT focus.
> >   (
> >
> > * The related WoT Architecture document (below) is being submitted for
> >   wide review at the same time.
> >   (
> >
> > * The WoT Binding Templates informative WG note describes an optional
> >   WoT building block.
> >   (
> >
> > * The WoT Scripting API informative WG note describes an optional WoT
> >   building block.
> >   (
> >
> > Note:
> > -----
> > * In the Thing Description specification above, text and table entries
> >   highlighted with a yellow background indicates a feature associated
> >   with an at-risk assertion for which insufficient implementation
> >   experience exists.
> >
> > * When an entire section is at-risk the words "This section is at
> >   risk." will be placed at the start of the section and highlighted
> >   with a yellow background.
> >
> > -----------------
> > WoT Architecture
> > -----------------
> > * Spec URL:

> > review/index.html?env=dev
> > * Explainer:

> > review/proposals/
> > * Tests: N/A
> > * Github repo:

> >
> > Related documents:
> > ------------------
> > * The WoT Security and Privacy Considerations document provides extra
> >   discussion of security with an IoT focus.
> >   (
> >
> > * The related WoT Thing Description document (above) is being
> >   submitted for wide review at the same time. Tests of implementations
> >   will be associated with this document.
> >   (
> >
> > * The WoT Binding Templates informative WG note describes an optional
> >   WoT building block.
> >   (
> >
> > * The WoT Scripting API informative WG note describes an optional WoT
> >   building block.
> >   (
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Kazuyuki

Received on Wednesday, 17 April 2019 20:14:11 UTC