First Public Working Draft, “Strings on the Web: Language and Direction Metadata“

A First Public Working Draft of Strings on the Web: Language and 
Direction Metadata was published.

This document describes practices for identifying language and base 
direction for strings used on the Web. It was developed as a result of 
observations by the Internationalization Working Group over a series of 
specification reviews related to formats based on JSON, WebIDL, and 
other non-markup data languages. Unlike markup formats, such as XML, 
these data languages generally do not provide extensible attributes and 
were not conceived with built-in language or direction metadata.

The concepts in this document are applicable any time strings are used 
on the Web, either as part of a formalised data structure, but also 
where they simply originate from JavaScript scripting or any stored list 
of strings.

Public comments are welcome, please raise them as github issues.

Received on Tuesday, 16 April 2019 11:33:41 UTC