Proposed update of article Inline markup and bidirectional text in HTML

I updated the the basic text of the article
Inline markup and bidirectional text in HTML

to take into account current browser support - in particular, the fact 
that the CSS Shim is not really needed other than for Safari, so i'm 
just treating Safari as the same as Edge until they flip the switch to 
apply isolation to dir.  I also reorganised the information slightly.

This greatly simplifies the explanations to content authors about what 
they need to do.

I also intend to provide more clear indications of browser support like 
in the vertical text and ruby articles, and rework the example files as 

I also fixed the test page at
so that the links to the tests now work.

Please send feedback via the github issues list (see the link near the 
bottom of the page).


Received on Sunday, 5 November 2017 14:09:25 UTC