Requesting I18n review of HTML5.2

Hello I18n,

Our plan is to begin the process of moving HTML5.2 to CR in early June, 
per our planned timetable [1]. We'd therefore welcome your review of the 
current WD [2].

To make things manageable the parts of the spec that need review are 
those noted in the Changes section [3]. We're not expecting the entire 
spec to be reviewed unless you wish to do so.

Please file issues on Github, with a reference to i18n in the comment 
[4]. If you could also send a message here when your review is complete, 
that would be helpful.

We'd be glad of your input as soon as possible, but our cut-off for 
making CR would be 26th May.

Any questions, you know where to find us.

@LeonieWatson Carpe diem

Received on Thursday, 13 April 2017 09:52:44 UTC