[html] Issue: Allow multiple meta-description elements if they have different lang values? marked as i18n

chaals has just labeled an issue for https://github.com/w3c/html as 

== Allow multiple meta-description elements if they have different 
lang values? ==
 HTML 5.1 
 and HTML 5.2 
have this restriction for `meta`-`description`:

> There must not be more than one `meta` element with its `name` 
attribute set to the value `description` per document.

I think it would make sense to allow one `meta`-`description` *per 
language/language+region*, e.g.:

    <meta name="description" lang="en" content="This page is great." 
    <meta name="description" lang="de" content="Diese Seite ist toll."

<!-- … -->

    <meta name="description" lang="en-US" content="You give us 
dollars, we give you Bitcoin." />
    <meta name="description" lang="en-EZ" content="You give us euros, 
we give you Bitcoin." />

See https://github.com/w3c/html/issues/553

Received on Wednesday, 19 October 2016 01:12:28 UTC