Activities around MultilingualWeb and linguistic linked data

Hi all,

in the last two years a lot of stuff has happened around so-called linguistic linked data in the realm of European projects. With this mail I want to make the www-international community aware of this. It’s not core i18n, it’s somehow related to localization and Internationalization Tag Set (ITS) 2.0 <>, and its a lot related to natural language and data processing.

There are many platforms that do such processing and most of them use their own formats and APIs for processes like machine translation, enriching content with named entity annotation, or other processes. In the linguistic linked data LIDER <> project we moved several standards forward to make things more interoperable, easier to re-combine components, and easier to integrate data sources into the workflow. A framework that deploys the standards is FREME <>, and we will have a webinar on 22 February, 4 p.m. CET, to introduce people from outside the NLP or data area to this. If you are interested to participate, just ping me.



Received on Friday, 12 February 2016 11:19:31 UTC