Re: HTML Time Zone proposal

On Thursday, August 14, 2014 19:47 +0000 "Phillips,
Addison"<> wrote:

> All,
> Thanks to everyone who responded to the call for comments. I
> have updated the document located here:
> I hope that I have addressed everyone's comments fully.
> Feedback is still welcome.

Could the time zone be defined through the HTML BCP-47 lang=""
attribute using the Unicode -tz extensions instead of introducing a
new attribute?

This would allow a time zone to be set according to the HTML language
resolution algorithm which would allow a time zone to be applicable
across the entire document, on specific elements, or even with
fallback to HTTP headers.

It also allows for the flexibility of using time zone identifiers
instead of fixed offsets.

Cameron Jones

Received on Monday, 9 February 2015 14:30:08 UTC