[minutes] Internationalization telecon 2014-02-06


Text version follows:

Internationalization Working Group Teleconference

06 Feb 2014



    See also: [3]IRC log

       [3] http://www.w3.org/2014/02/06-i18n-irc


           Richard, Addison, Felix, Mati, JcK

           Addison Phillips

           Addison Phillips


      * [4]Topics
          1. [5]Agenda
          2. [6]Action Items
          3. [7]Info Share
          4. [8]RADAR
          5. [9]Publish: WYNTKA Bidi and Inline Markup ?
          6. [10]advice on date/time definitions
          7. [11]css syntax @charset
          8. [12]Charmod Editing
          9. [13]AOB?
      * [14]Summary of Action Items


Action Items


      [15] http://www.w3.org/International/track/actions/open

    close ACTION-279

    <trackbot> Closed ACTION-279.

Info Share

    richard: working on counter styles
    ... and tests for that
    ... implementing Mati's extended Hebrew submission
    ... getting close to submitting since counter-styles at css
    going to PR
    ... uploading a bunch of CSS tests to their suite



      [16] https://www.w3.org/International/wiki/Review_radar

    <scribe> ACTION: addison: ask for a LC due date on DOM4
    [recorded in

    <trackbot> Created ACTION-282 - Ask for a lc due date on dom4
    [on Addison Phillips - due 2014-02-13].

Publish: WYNTKA Bidi and Inline Markup ?



    richard: been out for review
    ... had some comments
    ... addressed them
    ... want to publish this, replacing the existing one

    <scribe> chair: all in favor?

    <matial> no pb

    richard: would like to change the title

    "Inline Markup and Bidi: What you need to know"


      [19] http://www.w3.org/International/articlelist#direction

    "Text Direction and Bidi"

    matial: Text Direction -> Bidi ?

    <matial> +1

    <r12a> +1

    <fsasaki> +1


    <JcK> yes, publish

    <scribe> chair: resolved to publish

    <r12a> (note that +1s are for proposal to publish)

    <scribe> ACTION: richard: publish WYNTK about bidi update,
    retitling as appropriate [recorded in

    <trackbot> Created ACTION-283 - Publish wyntk about bidi
    update, retitling as appropriate [on Richard Ishida - due



advice on date/time definitions

    felix: how would date-time values be referenced
    ... don't want normative reference to a Note

    addison: rfc3339 ?

    felix: xliff 2.0 also needs a reference

    <fsasaki> addison: reference XML schema date / time type as an

    <fsasaki> .. in the thread it is not strictly a time stamp

    <fsasaki> .. if it is a complete value (date, time, timezone
    offset) that is a time stamp

    <fsasaki> .. if you want to allow other things that is more
    complicated, see e.g. floating number discussion

    felix: mainly a timestamp, I think
    ... but could include things like "should be localized by
    ... not sure if that's a timestamp

    <fsasaki> addision: could be treated as a time stamp

    <fsasaki> .. not necessarily floating

    <fsasaki> .. the mail says things like "just having a year
    etc." - not sure about the purpose

    <fsasaki> .. question is whether you have a specific set of
    date values that you want to permit, or just want to allow
    definition of some fields with date related information

    <fsasaki> [discussion on XML schema data types and whether a
    reference to that would help]

    <fsasaki> addision: xml schema defines all of the lexical

    <fsasaki> .. the RFC has a list of productions that you can
    point to normatively

    <fsasaki> .. that does not contain all the complicated stuff
    you don't care about

    <fsasaki> .. it is an RFC, that has been around for a long time

    <scribe> ACTION: felix: write back to XLIFF and ITS-IG with
    summary of our discussion [recorded in

    <trackbot> Created ACTION-284 - Write back to xliff and its-ig
    with summary of our discussion [on Felix Sasaki - due

css syntax @charset

    richard: we can close all of the comments?

    <r12a> [23]http://www.w3.org/International/track/products/54

      [23] http://www.w3.org/International/track/products/54

    addison: there transition document (see email) noted that we
    hadn't accept (or not) their rejection of our comments
    ... satisfied on 306/307

    richard: me too

    addison: other one is 329

    richard: they argued clearly why they don't want to change
    ... worth raising the issue
    ... key thing is that it's not really a rule
    ... wrote a set of tests for syntax
    ... and submitted those too
    ... never could do @charset with extra spaces

    <scribe> chair: should we accept this?

    JcK: would prefer if we fixed it, but not sure worth objecting

    <fsasaki> +1

    <r12a> accept

    <matial> no opinion

    <scribe> chair: no formal objection

    <scribe> ACTION: addison: respond to ISSUE-329 indicating we
    are satisfied with their decision/have no formal objection
    [recorded in

    <trackbot> Created ACTION-285 - Respond to issue-329 indicating
    we are satisfied with their decision/have no formal objection
    [on Addison Phillips - due 2014-02-13].

Charmod Editing


      [25] http://www.doodle.com/diuzsimytq649rvp

    needs to be refreshed, since it doesn't show times


    richard: recruiting?

    <fsasaki> [26]http://www.w3.org/community/bpmlod/

      [26] http://www.w3.org/community/bpmlod/

    felix: the group is mainly focusing on creating the best
    ... could contact them about reviews and whether they would
    like to join us

    richard: good to encourage folks to participate, particularly
    member orgs

Summary of Action Items

    [NEW] ACTION: addison: ask for a LC due date on DOM4 [recorded
    in [27]http://www.w3.org/2014/02/06-i18n-minutes.html#action01]
    [NEW] ACTION: addison: respond to ISSUE-329 indicating we are
    satisfied with their decision/have no formal objection
    [recorded in
    [NEW] ACTION: felix: write back to XLIFF and ITS-IG with
    summary of our discussion [recorded in
    [NEW] ACTION: richard: publish WYNTK about bidi update,
    retitling as appropriate [recorded in

    [End of minutes]

Received on Friday, 7 February 2014 10:28:20 UTC