Re: Encoding: Referring people to a list of labels

Henri Sivonen scripsit:

> (Publishers who use intentionally mis-encoded fonts with @font-face,
> which of course no one should do,

If their characters are not in (the current portable subset of) Unicode,
then they should.  The alternatives, such as presenting text as images,
are even worse.

> are better off declaring windows-1252 even if that means they are
> polluting search data for everyone else.)

I doubt they are polluting anything.  As I pointed out some time ago,
Google search at least will ignore windows-1252 (vel sim.) encoding
declarations, and do its own analysis.  It may well be that it ignores
all encoding declarations.

My corporate data's a mess!                     John Cowan
It's all semi-structured, no less.    
    But I'll be carefree              
    Using XSLT

Received on Monday, 27 January 2014 15:00:45 UTC