Re: Encoding: Referring people to a list of labels

On Sat, Jan 25, 2014 at 8:39 AM, Andrew Cunningham

> >> Most of the cases of contemporary uses of legacy encodings I know of

​I'm not sure what sense of "most" is meant.

If I said "most cases", I'd mean the number of web pages or emails using
that legacy encoding, perhaps weighted by the number of characters in the
page. But the Chinese encodings (as just one example) are many, many orders
of magnitude higher, for example, than any of the ones you mention. So in
what sense do you mean "most"?

FYI, while I don't have recent Google figures, there is

Mark <>

*— Il meglio è l’inimico del bene —*

Received on Saturday, 25 January 2014 20:56:08 UTC