I18N-ISSUE-334: tracking and Indic [.prep-CSS3-text]

I18N-ISSUE-334: tracking and Indic [.prep-CSS3-text]


Raised by: Addison Phillips
On product: .prep-CSS3-text

Section 8.2: The section on "tracking" ('letter-spacing') may need to consider the effect on scripts such as Indic. The I18N WG asked for guidance from various Indic language contributors [1].

It was reported to use that 'letter-spacing' is not a native typographic style to these languages, however it is used in several languages, such as Hindi, for visual effect--if only rarely.

The guidance we received, which is consistent with our understanding, is that letter-spacing should "break" the joining "bar" (shirorekha) in those scripts that use a "bar" and that the separation should be on syllable boundaries. These boundaries do not necessarily correspond to Unicode's default grapheme cluster boundaries, making proper description more complicated.

[1] See thread: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-i18n-indic/2013OctDec/

Received on Thursday, 23 January 2014 17:42:41 UTC