Re: [css-text] Arabic letters connecting between elements with display: inline

Stephen Zilles scripsit:

> [SZ] There is an interesting subtle point underlying this
> discussion. In traditional font terminology, italics and bold are
> differnet fonts. But, in the way CSS and HTML are used, you select
> a font family and use emphasis spans to choose among italics and
> bold. Thus, in CSS/HTML, changing to Bold or Italics is not (strictly)
> a font change. Furthermore, it would seem that doing joining across
> these changes is more likely to work (given the Bold and Italic
> versions of a font family are designed together) than changes between
> arbitrary fonts. Thus it would seem to make sense to not do breaks for
> changes between Bold and Italics versus changes in font families.


 John Cowan
               Si hoc legere scis, nimium eruditionis habes.

Received on Saturday, 24 May 2014 16:49:30 UTC