Re: [css-fonts-3] i18n-ISSUE-294: Fonts available on platforms

John Klensin wrote:

>> [quote]
>>   This allows authors to select a font that closely matches
>> the design   goals for a given page rather than limiting the
>> font choice to a set   of fonts available on all platforms.
>> [/quote]
>> maybe something like "believed to be available on most
>> platforms" would make the point better.
> Yes, I think that would be an improvement, even though it leaves
> "believed by whom" and whether or not the belief is accurate
> questions open.

The spec has already been edited, please review the editor's draft:

# This allows authors to select a font that closely matches the design
# goals for a given page rather than limiting the font choice to a set
# of fonts available on a given platform.


John Daggett

Received on Tuesday, 17 September 2013 03:04:44 UTC