Re: [css-fonts-3] i18n-ISSUE-297: Double slash before URI

On 2013/09/13 11:13, John Daggett wrote:
> Richard Ishida wrote:
>> 4.9.1. Default same-origin restriction
>> "src: url(//fonts/simple.ttf);"
>> Is the // intentional?
> Yeah, that's incorrect, as John notes that should have a TLD in there.
> Best just to trim this.

I'm not sure exactly what you mean by trim.

One solution is to make this
   "src: url(/fonts/simple.ttf);"
That's the 'simple.ttp' file in the /fonts directory on the same server 
as the stylesheet itself.

Another solution is to make it
    "src: url(//;"
which would be an independent site providing the font.

Another solution is
    "src: url(fonts/simple.ttf);"
where fonts/ would be a subdirectory of the place where the stylesheet is.

Regards,   Martin.

> Cheers,
> John Daggett

Received on Monday, 16 September 2013 07:05:44 UTC