Re: [css-fonts-3] i18n-ISSUE-287: Figure 4 - combining diacritics

John C Klensin wrote:

> Suggestions, which I hope are consistent with "late date and the
> informative nature...":

I'm sorry but it's actually now *after* the end of LC period.  The
spec needs to go forward.  Unless there's a really important reason to
hold up the spec to more clearly explain background material that is
crucial to explaining the features detailed in the spec, we need to
stop enhancing the text of informative sections.

The original example of diacritics is *not* an attempt to explain
diacritics in detail but only serves to indicate that the mapping of
characters to glyphs is not always a simple one-to-one mapping. I
completely agree that handling diacritics and marks is a complicated
subject but this is not the point at which to embark on adding a more
comprehensive explanation of the handling of diacritics and marks
across scripts.  The spec needs to move forward.

I definitely agree with you that the spec would benefit from a richer
explanation of these issues.  But not for this level, we should focus
on improving the prose in the next level.


John Daggett

Received on Friday, 13 September 2013 13:24:19 UTC