Re: I18N-ISSUE-183: Use of types questionable? [TURTLE]

On 2012/09/08 0:34, Internationalization Core Working Group Issue 
Tracker wrote:
> I18N-ISSUE-183: Use of types questionable? [TURTLE]
> Raised by: Addison Phillips
> On product: TURTLE

>      :gdpDollars 14074.2E9 ;         # xsd:double
> Currency types are generally complex values (you need a currency identifier such as an ISO 4217 currency code). While the name of the field is illustrative and this is "merely an example", it's usually better to use examples that aren't "poorly internationalized".

Especially because there are many countries that use "Dollar" as the 
name of their currency.

Regards,   Martin.

Received on Saturday, 8 September 2012 04:24:28 UTC