I18N-ISSUE-188: special handling of % in IRI [TURTLE]

I18N-ISSUE-188: special handling of % in IRI [TURTLE]


Raised by: Addison Phillips
On product: TURTLE


Section 6.4 contains this Note:

%-encoded sequences are in the character range for IRIs and are explicitly allowed in local names. These appear as a '%' followed by two hex characters and represent that same sequence of three characters. These sequences are not decoded during processing. A term written as <http://a.example/%66oo-bar> in Turtle designates the IRI http://a.example/%66oo-bar and not IRI http://a.example/foo-bar. A term written as ex:%66oo-bar with a prefix @prefix ex: <http://a.example/> also designates the IRI http://a.example/%66oo-bar.

We don't understand why you do this. Can you clarify?

Received on Friday, 7 September 2012 15:49:23 UTC