[minutes] i18n telecon, 2012-07-11


Text version follows:

Internationalization Core Working Group Teleconference

11 Jul 2012



    See also: [3]IRC log

       [3] http://www.w3.org/2012/07/11-i18n-irc


           Addison, Richard, Felix, Norbert, Gwyneth, Koji, David,
           John, Mati

           Addison Phillips

           Addison Phillips


      * [4]Topics
          1. [5]Agenda
          2. [6]Action Items
          3. [7]Info Share
          4. [8]ECMAScript Internationalization API
          5. [9]IRI vs. SRI [discussion from IRI list]
          6. [10]CSS3 Flexbox
          7. [11]CSS3 Writing-Mode column progression
          8. [12]Web Notifications
          9. [13]AOB?
      * [14]Summary of Action Items


    ES I18N API

Action Items

    <r12a> [15]http://www.w3.org/International/track/actions/open

      [15] http://www.w3.org/International/track/actions/open

    close ACTION-132

    <trackbot> ACTION-132 (AND ALL GROUP MEMBERS) review Web
    Notifications for revew at 27 June WG teleconference closed

    close ACTION-134

    <trackbot> ACTION-134 Send Web Notifications comments closed

    close ACTION-135

    <trackbot> ACTION-135 Publish ruby approaches document as First
    Public Working Draft and announce closed

Info Share

ECMAScript Internationalization API



    norbert: in last two weeks published new version (above link)



    <joconner> my headset may not be working properly. Adobe is
    interested in becoming more involved in Ecmascript, and
    encourages my participation here and with Ecma more. That's my
    infoshare….and now we're on that topic. Excellent.

    norbert: and my "gentle intro" is at above link
    ... there should be a public review, but not sure how that
    ... except maybe public-script-coord@
    ... hoping for feedback

    richard: forwarded your email back to winter@ list because your
    message bounced

    norbert: folks can start reviewing
    ... can we agenda+ for next week

    <scribe> chair: got it

    norbert: hope for feedback by July 24-26 (next TC39 meeting)

    <joconner> where is that TC39 meeting?

    norbert: in redmond at MSFT campus

    richard: also forwarded to w3c-team

    addison: notes Alan W-B added Unicode support to ES6 draft

IRI vs. SRI [discussion from IRI list]


      [18] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-iri/2012Jul/0030.html


      [19] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-iri/2012Jul/0012.html

    While the URI specification has been widely deployed, it has
    long been recognized that many valid URIs, especially those
    that contain extensive information in the "tail" are unsuitable
    for user presentation, especially for internationalized
    environments. IRIs have been proposed as a solution for that
    problem but inherit (and are constrained by) the complex and
    sometimes method-dependent syntax model of URIs as well as
    positional and orde


      [20] http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-klensin-iri-sri-00

    to read next week

CSS3 Flexbox


      [21] http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-css3-flexbox-20120612/



    richard: read norbert's email
    ... can't think of anything to add/subtract

    - Section 8.3 and 8.5 use a flex item's baseline, but don't say
    how that baseline is determined. CSS 2.1 defines baselines for
    inline tables and inline blocks, the first as the baseline of
    the first row of the table, the second as the baseline of its
    last line box in the normal flow. The latter doesn't seem
    likely to result in the layout shown in figure 10 in section
    8.3, which seems to align based on first lines. Some
    clarification would be welcome.

    all left-to-right examples

    - The markup makes the mention of "hypothetical cross size" at
    the end of section 9.3 the definition of the term, but I don't
    see an actual definition there, or anywhere else.

    koji: regarding baseline, there was discussion around april of
    ... need to lookup


      [23] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2012Apr/0414.html

    koji: was resolved, but if it didn't get in the spec, we should
    make feedback

    norbert: will read up on it and adjust accordingly

    main comment: need different direction examples

    <scribe> ACTION: Norbert: add CSS3 Flexbox comments to tracker
    and forward to CSS WG [recorded in

    <trackbot> Created ACTION-136 - Add CSS3 Flexbox comments to
    tracker and forward to CSS WG [on Norbert Lindenberg - due

CSS3 Writing-Mode column progression


      [25] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2012Jul/0179.html

    what is the progression direction when you have both horizontal
    and vertical in the same book?

    koji: is "right column first" the better solution?
    ... if number of columns grow, then computation becomes complex
    ... it becomes very theoretical because page-progression and
    column progression become mixed

    addison: PPD alteration happens on a spread, but not over a
    larger sequence of pages
    ... will also ask my colleagues if they have additional

    koji: wirting-modes next week
    ... okay to review ED?

    <scribe> chair: yes

    UNKNOWN_SPEAKER: review the best document for feedback

Web Notifications

    richard: concerns about moving to last call
    ... delaying because of our comments

    addison: do they have plans to modify their document?

    richard: two topics
    ... i. label fragments
    ... ii. whether multiple is allowed
    ... and (i) is the one we originally asked for
    ... separate directionality from language
    ... helpful to have guidelines to point to at earlier stage

    <scribe> ACTION: richard: make a wiki page with the basis for
    general guidelines for everyone to pile on [recorded in

    <trackbot> Created ACTION-137 - Make a wiki page with the basis
    for general guidelines for everyone to pile on [on Richard
    Ishida - due 2012-07-18].

    norbert: withdraw localized fragments?

    richard: second that

    addison: agree

    <scribe> ACTION: Addison: follow up on Web Notifications in
    three separate emails to separate threads, closing off
    localized fragments and direction and asking for resolution on
    language [recorded in

    <trackbot> Created ACTION-138 - Follow up on Web Notifications
    in three separate emails to separate threads, closing off
    localized fragments and direction and asking for resolution on
    language [on Addison Phillips - due 2012-07-18].


Summary of Action Items

    [NEW] ACTION: Addison: follow up on Web Notifications in three
    separate emails to separate threads, closing off localized
    fragments and direction and asking for resolution on language
    [recorded in
    [NEW] ACTION: Norbert: add CSS3 Flexbox comments to tracker and
    forward to CSS WG [recorded in
    [NEW] ACTION: richard: make a wiki page with the basis for
    general guidelines for everyone to pile on [recorded in

    [End of minutes]

Richard Ishida
Internationalization Activity Lead
W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)


Received on Wednesday, 11 July 2012 17:21:21 UTC