RE: Draft for review: Working with Time Zones

Hello Gunnary,

> AFAIS this typo has not been mentioned yet:
> [[
> it provides provides a common baseline
> ]]
> Remove one "provides".

> [[
> you only have to travel about 17 miles at the equator
> ]]
> Make it "28 kilometers".
> I think the audience of W3C documents is world-wide, not just a
> small
> part of the world that still uses archaic units. Get used to the
> metric system, finally! ;-)

This is what happens when you adapt a parochial document for real audiences. I changed it to SI units with parenthetical miles.

> The mileage might additionally be put in parantheses, though.
> [[
> there would be 24 world-wide time zones, ranging between 12 hours
> before UTC to 12 hours following UTC.
> ]]
> With both endpoints included, it’s 25 zones from -12:00 to +12:00.

That's correct. Changed.

> My .02 €,
> Gunnar

Thanks for your feedback.


Addison Phillips
Globalization Architect (Lab126)
Chair (W3C I18N, IETF IRI WGs)

Internationalization is not a feature.
It is an architecture.

Received on Wednesday, 9 February 2011 14:52:10 UTC