Re: Proposal: Input Method Editor API

Of course, we can do it :-)

On 2010/10/07 18:41, Hironori Bono (坊野 博典) wrote:
> Nakano-san,
> Thank you so much for your feedback.
> I have once thought a similar idea of adding an InputContext()
> function to an Element interface and retrieve the input context from
> an element as listed in the following snippet.
>   var element = document.getElementById('test');
>   var context = element.getInputContext(); // or
> element.getContext('input-method');
>   context.setComposition(composition);
>   context.confirmComposition();
> Nevertheless, I'm not sure we can implement such interface on all
> major user-agents. (I think we can implement this idea on WebKit.)
> Would it be possible to give me whether we can implement such
> InputContext interface on Firefox?
> Regards,
> Hironori Bono
> E-mail:
> On Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 2:19 PM, Masayuki Nakano<>  wrote:
>> Sorry for the delay.
>> The text-decoration-style property is updated in the latest working draft.
>> The dot-dash and dot-dot-dash are dropped, they aren't also needed by IME composition rendering. So, you can drop these values from your proposal.
>> I have some concern. On Win/Mac/Linux, if web browsers hoped, they could implement multiple IME context for every editors. So, InputMethodManager isn't useful on such browsers.
>> So, I think that all editable elements should have "InputMethodContext" property and it should have composition, setEnable() and etc. Then, your proposal doesn't make any limitation of implementation of browsers.
>>> void setEnable(in Node node, in boolean enable);
>> The result should be boolean. On the current proposal, web developers cannot check whether it succeeded or not.
>>> The setOpenState() method
>>> [NOTE:
>>> do we need to notice this event to JavaScript IMEs? If so, what is the best option?]
>> Yes, I think so. I think that there should be an interface for Javascript IME. When it's registered to a context, web browser should disables native IME.
>>> The hasComposition() method
>>> Returns true when the hosting user-agent is composing text. [NOTE: this function is
>>> just copied from the one of WebKit to hear opinions of developers of JavaScript-based
>>> IMEs.]
>> I think that JS-IME developers doesn't need to know whether there is a native composition or not. When JS-IME is enabled, web browsers should kill native IME on the context.
>>> The setComposition() method
>>> Updates the composition information of the hosting user-agent.
>>> When a JavaScript-based IME starts a composition, it MUST call this function with the
>>> appropriate composition information. When a JavaScript-based IME cancels an ongoing
>>> composition, it MUST call this function wiith a composition object whose text is empty.
>>> [NOTE: this function is just copied from the one of WebKit to hear opinions of developers
>>> of JavaScript-based IMEs.]
>> So, I think that this is go away to another interface which is for JS-IME.
>>> The confirmComposition() method
>>> Finishes the ongoing composition of the hosting user-agent. [NOTE: this function is
>>> just copied from the one of WebKit to hear opinions of developers of JavaScript-based
>>> IMEs.]
>> When JS-IME is registered, this should be done automatically, I think. But for web developers, I think this method is needed.
>> On 2010/09/27 12:46, Hironori Bono (坊野 博典) wrote:
>>> Greetings,
>>> Thank you so much for all of your feedbacks. I have published an
>>> updated proposal to the URL below:
>>> This proposal does not only apply your comments (such as removing the
>>> Candidate interface), but also added some experimental functions that
>>> allows web-application developers to change the composition data owned
>>> by user agents, i.e. functions that help developers implement IMEs.
>>> (These functions are just copied from the IME functions of WebKit.
>>> Therefore, it is definitely helpful to give me your feedbacks.)
>>> Even though I thought I have applied all of your comments, I might
>>> forget applying some. Please feel free to shoot me if I forgot
>>> applying your comments.
>>> Thank you again for your interest in advance.
>>> Regards,
>>> Hironori Bono
>>> E-mail:
>> --
>> Masayuki Nakano<>
>> Manager, Internationalization, Mozilla Japan.

Masayuki Nakano <>
Manager, Internationalization, Mozilla Japan.

Received on Thursday, 7 October 2010 11:53:23 UTC