RE: For review: 6 new and 2 updated articles about character encoding

> From: [mailto:www-international-
>] On Behalf Of Gunnar Bittersmann
> Sent: 16 August 2010 15:07
> To:
> Subject: Re: For review: 6 new and 2 updated articles about character
> encoding
> Picking some more nits in “Using character escapes in markup and CSS”:
> > 3)
> escapes.en.php#cssescapes
> >
> > Proposal: Add the advice to always close NCRs in CSS with a trailing space.
> If so, make '.\E9 motion' the first example, followed by '.\E9motion'
> and '.\0000E9motion'.
> Stick to the same word, either "émotion" or "édition".
> Above the examples in Czech it says:
> “It is almost always preferable to use an encoding that allows you to
> represent characters in their normal form, rather than using character
> entity references or NCRs.”
> Just below the examples in Czech it says:
> “It is much better to use an encoding that allows you to represent the
> characters in their normal form.”
> This is a unnecessary duplication of content, IMHO.

Changed to: As we said before, use characters rather than escapes for ordinary text.

> (The note about NBSP looking like a space but preventing a line wrap
> also appers twice, but in places far away from each other.)
> Further down:
> “If you use HTML-defined character entity references  (such as á)
> to represent characters in XHTML, you should take care any time your
> content is processed using XML tools, or converted to XML.”
> Hm, “converted to XML” might sound as if XHTML was not XML.

Changed to: any time your content is processed using XML parsers or other tools.

> “Note, however, that, although it is part of the XML language, ' is
> not defined in HTML 4.01. For this reason the XHTML specification
> recommends instead the use of ' if text may be passed to an HTML
> user agent. In addition, some browsers do not support ' in HTML.”
> “In addition”? It seems to be out of place to me since it is the same
> reason as previously mentioned. How about:
> Note, however, that, although it is part of the XML language, ' is
> not defined in HTML 4.01. For this reason the XHTML specification
> recommends instead the use of ' if text may be passed to an HTML
> user agent. Some browsers do not support ' in HTML.

Changed to: Note, however, that, although it is part of the XML language, ' is not defined in HTML 4.01 and some browsers do not support ' in HTML. For this reason the XHTML specification recommends instead the use of ' if text may be passed to an HTML browser.

> Typography:
> Don’t use hyphens for dashes, but U+2013 en dash. It should be safe to
> replace any occurence of " - " with " – " (space, en dash, space).



Received on Wednesday, 25 August 2010 16:12:29 UTC