Re: For review: 6 new and 2 updated articles about character encoding

Picking some more nits in “Using character escapes in markup and CSS”:

> 3)
> Proposal: Add the advice to always close NCRs in CSS with a trailing space.

If so, make '.\E9 motion' the first example, followed by '.\E9motion' 
and '.\0000E9motion'.

Stick to the same word, either "émotion" or "édition".

Above the examples in Czech it says:
“It is almost always preferable to use an encoding that allows you to 
represent characters in their normal form, rather than using character 
entity references or NCRs.”

Just below the examples in Czech it says:
“It is much better to use an encoding that allows you to represent the 
characters in their normal form.”

This is a unnecessary duplication of content, IMHO.

(The note about NBSP looking like a space but preventing a line wrap 
also appers twice, but in places far away from each other.)

Further down:
“If you use HTML-defined character entity references  (such as á) 
to represent characters in XHTML, you should take care any time your 
content is processed using XML tools, or converted to XML.”

Hm, “converted to XML” might sound as if XHTML was not XML.

“Note, however, that, although it is part of the XML language, ' is 
not defined in HTML 4.01. For this reason the XHTML specification 
recommends instead the use of ' if text may be passed to an HTML 
user agent. In addition, some browsers do not support ' in HTML.”

“In addition”? It seems to be out of place to me since it is the same 
reason as previously mentioned. How about:

Note, however, that, although it is part of the XML language, ' is 
not defined in HTML 4.01. For this reason the XHTML specification 
recommends instead the use of ' if text may be passed to an HTML 
user agent. Some browsers do not support ' in HTML.


Don’t use hyphens for dashes, but U+2013 en dash. It should be safe to 
replace any occurence of " - " with " – " (space, en dash, space).


Received on Monday, 16 August 2010 14:07:14 UTC