Re: For review: Using <b> and <i> tags

Hi Richard,
you’re saying “<b> and <i> tags” while actually talking about b and i 

HTML 4.01 spec, section 3.2.1 says: “*Elements are not tags.* Some 
people refer to elements as tags (e.g., "the P tag"). Remember that the 
element is one thing, and the tag (be it start or end tag) is another.” 

See also 

I know that some people treat tags and elements as synonyms, but 
articles like yours shold not support inaccurate usage of these terms.

IMHO the distinction between tags and elements is not less important 
than the distinction between character encoding and character set. 
Inaccurate of the terms leads to confusion.

I propose to replace any occurrence of “tag” with “element”.


Received on Wednesday, 7 July 2010 10:49:19 UTC