Re: 2 many language tags for Norwegian

Leif Halvard Silli scripsit:

> >[...] 3) Only certain existing language tags are useful in this process 
> >(for
> >example, "en" is worth nothing, 
> 'not worth nothing', I guess you meant.

Not at all.  When Google (or Yahoo) reads a page that is tagged "en",
it ignores the tag, because it knows that the tag "en" is not really
good evidence that a page is in English.  So the tag "en" is worthless.

(English only adds negation to one word in the sentence, like Latin.)

> >It was for many years the plan, but compelling arguments induced the LTRU
> Such as?

You'll forgive me for not rehearsing them, as I was on the losing side.

> >Changing to different (and invalid)
> What do you mean by 'invalid'? Not 'no-nyn' and 'no-bok', I suppose? 

No, I mean as in your proposed use of nno (invalid) or no-NN (invalid).

> Somewhere the relationship between nn, no, nb must be better specified.

I agree, but the formal registry is not the place for that.  If you
wrote an article about it, someone could probably be persuaded to post
it somewhere useful.

> Though, still being Quebec, reading info from the central goverment, as 
> a French speaker, you would of course be happy to receive English if a 
> certain document was unavailable in French. (But I guess this is 
> controversial as well?)

Exactly so.

> Well, yes, I'd say, again. Where will you find web sites which offers 
> Albanian and Italian in paralell? OK, I forgot the obvious: Google, etc. 
> True, it would not work for those sites. So, yes, there you are right. 
> Though it depends. I know persons who prefer Swedish over Bokmål.

Not surprising.  A Norwegian friend of mine says he can understand
some Swedes (those directly to the east) better than he can understand
Norwegians far to the north or south.

John Cowan <>   
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Received on Saturday, 26 April 2008 05:48:37 UTC