Re: [Ltru] RE: New web app: Searching for language subtags


This is quite a nice tool.

I note: I think a bit more care should be used with the terms "tag" and 
"subtag". The use of the word "tag" in the tool is misleading, since it 
implies the tools searches for tags. In fact, the tool can only look at 
the grandfathered/redundant tags. It's really a subtag tool.


Misha Wolf wrote:
> Hi Richard,
> Having spent a few minutes playing with this, it seems to 
> be both useful and fun.
> My one concern is that people who haven't been initiated 
> into the arcane mysteries of BCP 47, might misunderstand 
> the meaning of a heading like "redundant" in response to 
> a search for "Chinese".  It needs to be made clear to 
> people that this is a tool for examining the registry, 
> *NOT* a tool for finding appropriate language tags.  If 
> it is meant to be used for the latter purpose, then some 
> changes are very much needed :-)
> Regards,
> Misha
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Richard Ishida
> Sent: 01 April 2007 14:59
> To: 'WWW International'
> Subject: New web app: Searching for language subtags
> You may find this of interest.  It's purely a personal project.
> says:
> This tool allows you to search for tags that have, say, 'french' in
> their description (there are currently 11), or to find out what that
> mysterious 'ch' tag stands for (there are 2 possibilities). Or you can
> simply list all current language tags, or script tags, or variants, etc.
> For months I've been wanting to write a small, Web-based tool for
> finding things in the subtag registry without having to work on the (for
> many people, intimidating) raw text file on the IANA site.
> Tom Gruner created an initial tool for pretty printing the IANA list,
> which handled enough of the basics to allow me to use the little time I
> have these days to add the search functionality on top.
> If you have JavaScript running, you are shown just the tags and
> descriptions initially, but by clicking on those you can reveal all
> additional information in the registry for a given tag. I also highlight
> tags that are deprecated, so you can see that straight away.
> (PS: Some final tweaks to the code will come when I have a spare moment
> for things like making the expanding list more accessible, etc.)
> RI
> ============
> Richard Ishida
> Internationalization Lead
> W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)
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Addison Phillips
Globalization Architect -- Yahoo! Inc.

Internationalization is an architecture.
It is not a feature.

Received on Sunday, 1 April 2007 16:41:33 UTC