Re: Language X within scope of language Y

Peter Constable scripsit:

> I'm not familiar with that work, but certainly "Das Kapital" is
> German even if I refer to it in an English conversation; "Capital"
> would be English. (/dæs kʰæpɪɾɫ̩/ would be German spoken with
> an American English accent.)

It's not clear what you refer to when you refer to it, though.  All the
translations I have ever seen are entitled "Capital", so presumably when
you refer to it, you refer to the ur-book which is language independent.

"Kill Gorgûn!  Kill orc-folk!           John Cowan
No other words please Wild Men.
Drive away bad air and darkness
with bright iron!"  --Ghân-buri-Ghân

Received on Wednesday, 19 January 2005 19:47:14 UTC