Re: New tutorial for REVIEW: Ruby Markup and Styling

Richard Ishida wrote:

> > as "text/plain" can't prevent IE from processing "ruby".  So 
> > it doesn't make sense at all to only mention HTML 4 and XHTML 
> > 1.0 here.
> I reworded the text.
> http://localhost/International/tutorials/ruby/en/all.html#Slide0320

Thanks (although I can't really see changes on localhost ;).  Probably
you should also tweak the slide text ("Includes HTML 4 and XHTML 1.0")
to be less confusing.

> Yes.  I hadn't added this because of the rather dire-sounding warning that
> comes on the download site: 
> "This extension sometimes causes crush when you show popup menus, load
> webpages, or operate tabs, because it intrudes into operations about loading
> pages. Please don't use it if you would like to use stable browser."
> Given your comment, I added a reference to it, but also addded the warning.
> I'll leave it up to users to decide whether or not to chance it.

That would be a reasonable approach.

> Do you have experience of using this?

I've been using it for years and I don't find it particularly unstable.
But then, I tend to run unstable nightly builds regularly, so I won't
be the right person to talk about stablity ;)

Masayasu Ishikawa /
W3C - World Wide Web Consortium

Received on Thursday, 30 June 2005 17:06:38 UTC