Re: New Tutorial: Character sets & encodings in XHTML, HTML and CSS

On Thursday, March 25, 2004, 5:13:40 PM, jcowan wrote:

jrc> Mark Davis scripsit:

>> a.. We recommend the use of XHTML wherever possible; and if you serve XHTML as
>> text/html we assume that you are conforming to the compatibility guidelines in
>> Appendix C of the XHTML 1.0 specification.
>> a.. We recognize that XHTML served as XML is still not widely supported, and
>> that therefore many XHTML 1.0 pages will be served as text/html.
>> Isn't this a pretty counter-productive recommendation; it sounds like you are
>> saying: "we recommend that you use something that won't work on the vast
>> majority of your users browsers"?

jrc> No.  What it says is:  a) use XHTML for authoring; b) use the compatibility
jrc> recommendations; c) label it as text/html.

Or, better

c) serve it as application/xhtml+xmlto those user agents that say they
can support it,and as text/html for the legacy ones that don't.

Same content, but the more modern browsers go straight into standards
mode more reliably, get the xml dom, reliable CSS, and so forth.

 Chris Lilley          
 Chair, W3C SVG Working Group
 Member, W3C Technical Architecture Group

Received on Thursday, 25 March 2004 21:16:30 UTC