Re: Form submission when successful controls contain characters outside the submission character set

On Wed, 10 Sep 2003, wrote:
>> Is there another possible solution?
> How about using HTML entities and providing the means to interpret them
> even when the document is not HTML?

How would you tell the difference between an "entity" and the literal
string "〹" entered by the user?

This is not an idle question; on _many_ forms I use, e.g. Web developer
forums, bug databases, utility CGIs, etc, I will be entering the string
"〹" many times a day when discussing HTML. If those entities are
treated as single characters, all kinds of problems will result.

So no, IMHO, that's not a workable solution either.

Ian Hickson                                      )\._.,--....,'``.    fL
U+1047E                                         /,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.                         `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Received on Wednesday, 10 September 2003 16:23:25 UTC