Looking for UTF-8 *plain text* multilingual sample page and text editor

I am looking for a sample plain text file that has a few lines of sample text
in different languages (at minimum, English, Chinese, Japanese and Korean)
in UTF-8.  I have found some HTML samples such as below but I could not find
an equally good one in plain text format:

I tried to convert one of the above to a plain text by eliminating tags and
extra text but my editor (Meadow, Mule based Windows specialized Emacs
editor) complains it cannot be UTF-8, probably because the text contains
some byte sequence it cannot understand for whatever reason.

I am also looking for a multilingual text editor that can read in
plain text file in popular encodings of CJK and UTF-8.  It does not
need to have any fancy functions.  Read, Write and Cut and Paste
would be enough.  Hopefully, it should have a builtin font so that
it can work on English Windows w/o extra font installation.
If you can recommend any, let me know.

T. "Kuro" Kurosaka
Internationalization Architect
IONA Technologies
2350 Mission College Blvd. Suite 650
Santa Clara, CA 95054
Tel: (408) 350 9684/9500 
Fax: (408) 350 9501
Making Software Work Together TM

Received on Tuesday, 1 April 2003 17:47:45 UTC