First steps

I´m trying to give my first steps with internationalization and japanese,
turkish and korean characters.

I´ve been reading a lot of stuff about internationalization, but I don´t
seem to understand how to deploy an international web site.
Please correct me if I am wrong
(let´s suppose we are using a servlet app)
1.- Using the resource bundles and Locales, translate all messages sent from
the app to the language the user is using.
2.- Now, populate the "template" wich is written in the locale language, and
send it back to the user´s browser.

The problem I have is with the 2nd step. How do I write a document template
in japanase? I´ve read somewhere that the encoding does not sets the
language of the document ( the encoding is used only for comunication
purposes between the server and the client), the charset seems to be more
language-oriented, but still doesn´t ´translate´ the template to the
language in wich it has to be shown.
Then..., if I am right in everything I´ve written here, I am quite lost
about what should I do. Any ideas, pointers, tutorials, help would be really

Truly Yours
Esteban González

Received on Tuesday, 14 August 2001 18:00:11 UTC