Re: Arabic UNicode in XML

Saeed Darya wrote:
> We developed a site that uses unicode for Arabic/Persian in XML format
> ( The only problem we had was with the supporting
> platforms. For all practical reasons, IE5+ is the only platform that we
> could find displaying the R2L portion properly.  Our client uses Word2000 as
> an editor for Arabic/Persian news files.

I tried that site, but all of the arabic text seemed to be images. only the
latin text was actually text. for example:

<IMG SRC=f03c110.gif BORDER=0 WIDTH=7 HEIGHT=20 ALIGN=middle><IMG
SRC=f03c129.gif BORDER=0 WIDTH=8 HEIGHT=20 ALIGN=middle>  <IMG
SRC=f03c66.gif BORDER=0 WIDTH=3 HEIGHT=20 ALIGN=middle><IMG SRC=f03c110.gif
BORDER=0 WIDTH=7 HEIGHT=20 ALIGN=middle><IMG SRC=f03c192.gif BORDER=0
WIDTH=6 HEIGHT=20 ALIGN=middle><IMG SRC=f03c76.gif BORDER=0 WIDTH=6
HEIGHT=20 ALIGN=middle>  <IMG SRC=f03c189.gif BORDER=0 WIDTH=6 HEIGHT=20
ALIGN=middle><IMG SRC=f03c150.gif BORDER=0 WIDTH=8 HEIGHT=20
ALIGN=middle><IMG SRC=f03c192.gif BORDER=0 WIDTH=6 HEIGHT=20
ALIGN=middle><IMG SRC=f03c129.gif BORDER=0 WIDTH=8 HEIGHT=20 ALIGN=middle> 
<IMG SRC=f03c110.gif BORDER=0 WIDTH=7 HEIGHT=20 ALIGN=middle><IMG
SRC=f03c188.gif BORDER=0 WIDTH=7 HEIGHT=20 ALIGN=middle><IMG SRC=f03c81.gif
BORDER=0 WIDTH=6 HEIGHT=20 ALIGN=middle><IMG SRC=f03c89.gif BORDER=0
WIDTH=8 HEIGHT=20 ALIGN=middle><IMG SRC=f03c177.gif BORDER=0 WIDTH=6
HEIGHT=20 ALIGN=middle>  

and so forth. This is not xml either, as the attributes are unquoted so its
not well formed.

Also, it didn't seem to be using unicode, but iso latin-1:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

Am I missing something here?


Received on Wednesday, 20 December 2000 02:08:35 UTC