RE: Accept-Language and q values

Hi everyone,

At 04:19 PM 1/31/00 -0000, you wrote:
>For most applications one does not probably needs the q and the order
>is sufficient; indeed, I do not know of any browser that supports this.
>But then, one cannot express "English" *or* "Spanish" on the same level;
>i.e., without order. I cannot see when one could need to express
>"no preference", but one never knows.

I work with situations everyday where you would want to express 
"no preference" as you call it.

That sistuation is public access PCs in public libraries and educational 
institutions. The municiplaity I work for, although very small, has at least
63 langauge groups. We attempt to provide multilingual public internet 
access in our libraries.

We cannot make assumptions about the language our users are using. 
Therefore best for us if the langaueg preferences of the browser were set
to null.
Getting a web page served up based on the browsers langauge preferences, 
could mean getthing the wrong page served up.



Received on Monday, 31 January 2000 17:34:58 UTC