Re: WML vs. XML

At 00/05/16 12:06 -0700, A. Vine wrote:
>In a related question on WML:
> From the spec it looks like if the document charset is not explicitly 
> specified,
>then the charset is assumed to be UTF-8 or UTF-16.  I have 2 questions in
>relation to what is being used now and expected by processing software:
>1.  Does this them imply that a BOM should be at the beginning of the
>transmission, even in UTF-8?

WML is XML, and this means that a BOM is not needed at the start
of UTF-8. Putting a BOM at the beginnig of an XML UTF-8 file is
a bad idea, because a lot of existing software cannot handle it.

>2.  Does the assumption that untagged text data is in Unicode actually 
>work?  In
>other words, are folks actually tagging everything else?

If they are not tagged, and the phones then don't display
the pages, they will learn how to tag.

Regards,   Martin.

Received on Thursday, 18 May 2000 03:17:57 UTC