Re: Encoding designation in non-HTML sites

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Regards,   Martin.

At 00/04/11 12:36 -0400, wrote:

>Hi Suzanne,
>The script encoding is in the same place in a page that contains 
>Javascript as in a "normal" HTML page.
>In the end, a "Javascript page" is still in HTML and can have a META tag 
>just like normal HTML. Most such pages, however, either indicate the 
>encoding in the http header (which is a much better place for it) or don't 
>bother to indicate the encoding at all (which is bad, but not a surprise). 
>You can put a META tag in your file still, but this produces less reliable 
>results in pages that are Javascript or Java heavy.
>XML files are, by default, Unicode encoded (UTF-8, I believe), unless 
>tagged otherwise. An http header may still be used to indicate the 
>character encoding of the file, but the XML parser itself is looking for:
><?xml version="1.0" encoding="Big5"?>
>Addison P. Phillips
>Senior Globalization Consultant
>Global Sight Corporation
>101 Metro Drive, Suite 750
>San Jose, California 95110 USA
>(+1) 408.350.3649 - Phone
>Going global with your web site? Global Sight provides Web-based
>software solutions that simplify the process, cut costs, and save time.
>Sent by:
>04/11/2000 10:45 AM AST
>To: "www" <>
>Subject: Encoding designation in non-HTML sites
>Can someone tell me where the encoding method is indicated in Java
>script-based web sites? I was just looking through the source of a few
>sites, and couldn't find any char-set designations.
>How about XML sites?
>Suzanne Topping
>Localization Unlimited
>(Globalization Process Improvement Consulting and Training)
>In association with BizWonk (TM)
>Phone: 716-473-0791
>Fax: 716-231-2013
>(Send me an email to join the North East Localization Special Interest
>Group, an email distribution list which acts as a discussion forum for
>localization issues.)

Received on Wednesday, 12 April 2000 00:06:39 UTC