RE: Form response charset

Actually this is the question that I am working on too.
In other words, if we have
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=x-sjis">
and ,let say, we use Japanese 95.
The default input data are in cp932 character set for Japanese Win95. What
you are saying is that it converts to UTF-8 somewhere? If so, where? How
does it work?


	-----Original Message-----
	From: []
	Sent:	Tuesday, April 13, 1999 12:44 PM
	To:	Jesse Hall
	Subject:	Re: Form response charset

	Hi Jesse,

	One of the solution to your question is to specify charset of your
original document.
	Major browsers send back to server in the character encoding being
used in the form.
	For example, server sends a HTML document like below,

	<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=x-sjis">
	<!-- some form -->

	browser send inputs in Shift_JIS encoding.  If you want to receive
it in UTF-8,
	specify UTF-8 instead of x-sjis.


	Jesse Hall wrote:

	> Hello,
	> I'm not sure this is the proper forum, but I've searched
everywhere I could
	> think of and couldn't find an answer to my question. If there's a
	> appropriate place for me to look/ask, please let me know.
	> I'm working on internationalizing a web-based application. One of
	> requirements is that it must accept international input via forms.
My problem is
	> that I haven't found a way of determining which character set the
	> coming back from the browser is in (e.g. for a INPUT TYPE=TEXT or
	> field).
	> I'm using UTF-8 for all the pages I send. The browsers I've tested
with handle
	> this properly. However, what I'm getting back from e.g. a Japanese
browser (I've
	> tried two) running on Japanese Windows is not UTF-8. The best
solution from my
	> point of view is to always get the response in UTF-8, but if there
is a way to
	> determine the charset of the returned data, I can of course do the
	> myself if necessary.
	> TIA,
	> Jesse Hall

	Takayuki Tei

Received on Tuesday, 13 April 1999 16:03:43 UTC