Re: ISO 639-2 3-letter language codes and RFC 1766

At 7:38 21.1.97, Michael Everson wrote:
>Keld Simonsen skriv om at DIS 639-2 teksten findes her:
>En HTML version findes her:
>Michael Everson

With ref to <>:
gdh gae Gaelic (Scots)
sco sco Scots

The word in parentheses above should be "Scottish", rather than "Scots" .
The use of "Scots" above to refer to the Gaelic of Scotland both
unnecessarily duplicates a word needed to mean another langugage (the Scots
language) and introduces further confusion into a standard which is already
confusing for Gaelic (as already discussed on list iso10646@list).

Marion Gunn

Received on Tuesday, 21 January 1997 09:58:51 UTC