needs update: qa-b-and-i-tags

Hi Richard,
While referencing to in my talk at 
Front-Trends in Warsaw, I found that the quotes from the HTML5 spec in 
section ‘What they're for’ are 
outdated, “whose typical typographic presentation is…” has been removed 
long time ago.

The section should read now:

The HTML5 specification redefines the intended use of these elements as 

     "The i element represents a span of text in an alternate voice or 
mood, or otherwise offset from the normal prose in a manner indicating a 
different quality of text, such as a taxonomic designation, a technical 
term, an idiomatic phrase from another language, transliteration, a 
thought, or a ship name in Western texts."

     "The b element represents a span of text to which attention is 
being drawn for utilitarian purposes without conveying any extra 
importance and with no implication of an alternate voice or mood, such 
as key words in a document abstract, product names in a review, 
actionable words in interactive text-driven software, or an article lede."

Under ‘Recommended usage’, 
it says “4.6 Text-level semantics”, but this section is 4.5 now. The 
link has become wrong also, it is 
now (if you want to point to HTML 5.1 Nightly which is totally fine).

But that section does not have a menu, there is little use to point the 
reader there. The menu is at the top of the page. So the link might go 
to and be 
titled “4 The elements of HTML”. But then the sentence doesn’t make 
sence anymore. Maybe something like “In the HTML5 specification _4 The 
elements of HTML_ lists in section 4.5 Text-level semantics other 

Also, the links in the ‘Further reading‘ section need 
to be changed as well. Their numbers are “4.5.22 The i element” and 
“4.5.23 The b element” and they should point to and respectively.

Aren‘t you removing those links from the ‘Further reading‘ section now 
and put them into the article text? This would mean to have the links to 
the spec right in the before mentioned section ‘What they're for’ (“The 
HTML5 specification redefines…”)


Received on Tuesday, 12 May 2015 05:14:29 UTC