Re: [Comment on ITS WD] Use of elements

Hello i18n core,

This is a reply on behalf of the i18n ITS working group. See also .

Thank you very much for your comment. We agreed to implement it. Please
have a look at the following : (the
definition of the span element) (the
definition of the rb element) (the
definition of the rt element)
 (the definition of the locNote element)
(the second paragraph contains a note on arbitrary nesting of ruby
within span)

Please let us know within 2 weeks if you are satisfied. If we don't hear
 from you , we will assume this issue as closed.


Felix wrote:
> Comment from the i18n review of:
> Comment 11
> At
> Editorial/substantive: S
> Owner: RI
> Location in reviewed document:
> 6.3.2
> Comment: 
> The locInfo element cannot contain directional markup for bidi languages, nor language markup, nor ruby markup, nor spans - all things which this document makes out to be important for well internationalized content.
> Can we not come up with a model that allows for at least those things?
> Please allow for span elements to at least include other span elements, so that language or directionality values can be applied to ranges of text within a span.
> FS: the "model" you describe would be IMO just to allow for its:span within <locInfo>, and to allow nesting of <its:span> within <its:span>.

Received on Monday, 11 September 2006 02:02:58 UTC