Re: Your comments on the Character Model [C150, C151]

On Thu, 2004-01-29 at 16:18, Martin Duerst wrote:
> Hello Michael,
> This is to notify you, in a recorded form, that we have
> reconsidered your arguments re. your comments
> and
> We have realized that in the mail leading to
> we have not given a detailed justification for our decisions.
> We would like to explain our decisions and the reasons we made them,
> including the reasons that came up when we reconsidered this.
> We hope that this will help you to accept our decisions, and ask
> you to tell us whether you are satisfied with our decisions and
> explanations or not within a reasonable time (e.g. two weeks).

I will re-read your note another time and may provide a
different answer then, but for now I regret to say that
the only effect your email has had has been to make me
angry, once again, at your decisions and at the thinness of
the rationalizations you offer to support them, and so I am
unfortunately obliged to say that I am still deeply
dissatisfied with the decisions.

-C. M. Sperberg-McQueen

Received on Friday, 30 January 2004 12:59:55 UTC