Re: XHTML Basic 1.1 and setting input field to numeric mode

Luca Passani wrote:
> My code is separating content from presentation for real. Your code 
> isn't. Your code is a mess.

I really don't follow you. Neither set of outputs corrupt meaning by 
making it reliant on presentation. However, your output mixes 
presentation and content, such that the style and content are output in 
the same place and styles cannot be overridden if necessary (because of 
the "style" attribute's specificity). My output puts them in separate 
places, and allows styles to be overridden if necessary. My code would 
allows the creation of media-specific styles or multiple skins, but 
yours would not, given the current limitations of the style attribute. 
That's what I mean by your content being intrinsically bound to your 

The code differences simply reflect the different outputs. As such the 
code differences in themselves are not ugly or hacks (in either case); 
they are simply doing a different job.

Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis

Received on Tuesday, 1 July 2008 09:59:01 UTC