Re: Radio and checkbox texts

k3liutZu wrote:

>>  > <label><input> text</label> would work equally well.
>>  No it wouldn't, as I mentioned previously. It has more limited
>>  support. And regarding the _design_ of markup systems, it's
>>  illogical, since the input element is logically not part of its
>> label. 
> I seem to recall this syntax working in IE6+, FF, Opera, Safari,
> Konqueror... so this would mean more then 99.8% of [my, yes it is
> subjective] regular traffic 
> So, where am i missing the limited support?

IE 6 doesn't support it.

Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca")

Received on Thursday, 24 April 2008 20:08:05 UTC