Re: Radio and checkbox texts

Anas R. schrieb:
> My theory is something like this:
> <label>Gender:</label>
> <input name="gender" value="male" type="radio">Male</input>
> <input name="gender" value="female" type="radio">Female</input>

this would be completely different from current specs!

whether it contains the value! and not the label like you mentioned above, 
or it contains nothing

label and input element was always separated and i do not see any sense in 
merging them (taking the freedom to place label before, above, below, in 
another cell oss)

your <label>Gender:</label> is a "group label", this is what fieldset and 
legend is intended for

Sebastian Mendel

Received on Thursday, 24 April 2008 08:12:05 UTC