Representing Cancelations of Terms in Fractions

I'm working with education publishers on developing XML representations 
of things like textbooks and test prep manuals. These publishers are 
using primarily InDesign with InMath to author their equations. I can 
capture the raw InDesign data and InMath is working on an XML 
representation that captures the structure of the equations in a form 
that is almost MathML presentation.

But, one sticking point is the representation of equations with canceled 
terms, such as fractions where common terms are shown canceled with a 
diagonal strike out.

My understanding from reading the MathML 2 spec is that this can be 
represented using the menclose element with a notation of 
"updiagonalstrike" or "downdiagonalstrike". However, it's not rendered 
in Firefox and I can't MathType or Amaya to create anything other than a 
long division type enclosure.

My questions are:

1. is my understanding of menclose and *diagonalstrike correct in that 
this is the intended way to represent strikeouts in MathML?

2. Is there any MathML renderer that will render diagonal strikeouts today?



Eliot Kimber
Senior Solutions Architect
"Bringing Strategy, Content, and Technology Together"
Main: 610.631.6770

Received on Friday, 18 April 2008 17:34:03 UTC