Re: proposed li:marker pseudo-class

On Wed, Apr 02, 2008 at 11:59:02AM +0100, David Woolley wrote:

>>   Perhaps I am confused, but I certainly can see no difficulty in
>>   claiming that "this is a list of items, each of which has a heading"
>>   and label it a perfectly valid use-case?
> Because it is not a numbered list.

  If the items are part of a list, and the order of the items
  is significant, then then they are certainly in need of an

  Whether those items contain headers, or not, isn't particularly
  interesting in this context IMHO. What is important is that
  the items - regardless of /what/ they are - has significant

> Furthermore, to a large extent, whether or not the headings are numbered  
>  is a styling issue, and would be specified in a narrative style sheet  

  Yes - it is. However: whether or not a list is numbered is also a 
  stylistic issue. Whether the order of the items is significant is
  a structural one.

  Numbering, by way of CSS, headings does not infer any
  form of ordering on them.

  The only way to /explicitly/ say that "the order in which these items
  occur is significant" in HTML is to use an OL.

> (In at least one version of XHTML2 this would be done with section and h  
> elements, and the h elements styled to include the numbers.)

  Not really. The section and h elements have no built-in specification of
  whether or not the order in which they occur is important.

  This may be an oversight, actually. 

 -  Tina Holmboe      Developer's Archive           Greytower Technologies

Received on Wednesday, 2 April 2008 11:38:16 UTC