Re: Research for class="copyright"

Le 7 mai 2007 à 03:22, Lachlan Hunt a écrit :
> To me, that looks like strong evidence in favour of defining  
> class=copyright.
>> Thank you. It was gracious of you to cite a study that actually  
>> disproves your claim.
> I never claimed that there were no sites that misused the value.  I  
> only asked for evidence to be supplied by those making the claims  
> that there was misuse, which would then show whether or not the  
> misuse was of any significance.  From this survey, the results show  
> that the misuse is of little significance.

This thread makes me think of three issues related to standardizing  
class names.

* misuse
   It is difficult to solve this one, because it is
   very rare, we understand, know the intent of the

* language issue
   Some class names will have different meaning in
   different languages.

* previous use
   This one is more problematic. When someone starts
   to standardize a class="somevalue" without scoping
   it with a version number or namespace or something
   which identifies the version of the document, this
   person hijacks the meaning of the author.

Let's say, I use class="menu" for my restaurant Web site to mark up  
my food menu in my pages, then later on a random group decides to  
standardize values of class names and get supports by search engines.  
They decided that class="menu" is a navigation menu. Later on,  
Browsers start to implement by rendering the class="menu" in a  
specific way or to show a widget for navigating the side triggered by  
the class="menu". I start to receive complaints from my customers  
because the Web site is broken and doesn't make sense any more.

The group and the support by implementers broke my Web site. [Support  
Existing Content][1]

Standardizing class values without scoping mechanism will break the  
content of Web sites.


Karl Dubost -
W3C Conformance Manager, QA Activity Lead
   QA Weblog -
      *** Be Strict To Be Cool ***

Received on Tuesday, 8 May 2007 06:54:40 UTC