Re: abbr and acronym

>> For internationalisation purposes, I'd suggest that the value 
>> of read (or any similar proposed pronounciation hints) should 
>> be written in some phonetic form.
> So you mean something like this:
> <span read="/pɪŋ/">PNG</span>
> The IPA prononciation rules could be applied here.

If something like this would be proposed, one should also be able to use
X-Sampa instead, to be able to use it in other encodings than UTF-8.

But <span read="bla"> is very different from <abbr> and <acronym>,
because these are also about meaning, not only about spelling.

(e.g. HTML - Hypertext Markup Language vs. HTML - H.T.M.L.)

Something like the "read"-attribute could only extend this.

Frank Hellenkamp

frank hellenkamp | interface designer | mail
+49.30.49 78 20 70 | tel
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Received on Thursday, 29 March 2007 14:04:00 UTC